The soap you'll eventually have to take seriously: Andy's 15 Minutes of Foam. Lavender and chamomile scent, 56g (that's a guest size) for $3.95 at Unemployed Philosophers Guild.
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I love this so much I cannot even find the words.
I love the Unemployed Philosophers Guild in general 🙂
I need to spend time with that website. This is wonderful.
I was excited till I saw the size…I hate tiny soaps!
It is small. I like small guest soaps (the ones I buy are 25g, so even smaller) but yeah, it’s basically a stocking stuffer sort of thing.
My daughter gave me the Pope soap and the Pope coin purse. The soap was eagerly used up for hand washing, it was nice! That little coin purse stays with me and every time I use it, I giggle.
My son got one of the soaps for Christmas, I can’t say which one here.
We also have lots of their magnetic finger puppets and over the years have had several of the magnetic dress up sets (I still have the Freud one).
Okay. I folded and bought a bar, plus the Jews Glasses (I know someone who will LOVE them). I am weak.
I have been tempted by the “great drinkers” shot glasses myself, but have not folded yet. I also want a watch but they do not have great reviews.
Also just realized that my son’s favorite mug — the Shakespearean Insults — is from them.