Davidoff will launch Horizon, a new fragrance for men, in March.
Inspired by the strength of nature, Davidoff Horizon captures the tension between earth and sky. A woody aromatic scent revealing a never ending refreshing blow, grounded in a powerful masculinity.
Davidoff Horizon begins with airy top notes of energizing rosemary and ginger giving a vibrant dimension of ascension and discovery. In contrast, the middle and base notes bring strong, down-to-earth vetiver and cedarwood, wrapped in rich cocoa absolut to inject texture, warmth and sensuality.
Horizon was developed by perfumers Olivier Pescheux and Jacques Huclier. Additional notes include grapefruit and patchouli.
Davidoff Horizon will be available in 40 and 75 ml Eau de Toilette and in matching grooming products.
(via lloydspharmacy, additional information via besser-magazin.at)
It’s hard to hate a “masculine” scent with ginger right at the top.
I’m pretty sure it can be done 😉
I guess I’m hoping for something warmer than Dior Homme Sport (less screechy too) but not as much of a commitment as something like AdP Colonia Intensa. Maybe this will be a mainstream men’s ginger that’s goldilocks “just right.”
Good luck!
The notes have potential? I’d give it a sniff if I ran across it…
It does sound not half bad.
With those notes I bet it’s going to smell like A*Men, only less in-your-face.
I could live with that!
they do realize they did that one already?
was called ‘Adventure’, fronted by Ewan McGregor…