Philosophy has introduced The Tea Party, a trio of layerable fragrances: Tea Leaf, Pure Honey and Fresh Cream.*
philosophy cordially invites you to the tea party. Leave it to them to delight your senses with fragrance and make you feel like the guest of honor any day of the week. The let's have a tea party box set consists of three unique fragrances in tea leaf, pure honey, and fresh cream scents. Each distinctive fragrance was designed to complement one another, so they can be beautifully layered together to create a custom scent or worn alone. Mix and match these fragrances to your heart's content. You'll love the way you smell!
 The Philosophy Tea Party collection is available as three 30 ml bottles in a box set, $44 at QVC.
(via qvc)
*A prior set under the same name had different fragrances, including Tea, Lemon and Sugar.
Huh. Didn’t Jo Malone already do this? I’m a sucker for a tea frag (honey, too, for that matter), so ill still give them a try if I encounter them!
95% certain that Philosophy’s original tea part set pre-dated Jo Malone’s.
Horrible name! I keep thinking that Michelle Bachman would wear this.
Yes, would think in light of the name now being used by a political movement, they would have thought of something else. On the other hand, it’s a useful phrase that will probably outlast other uses 🙂
Hm. I wonder if this means they’ll be bringing back the Fresh Cream body wash and lotion. It was the only fragrance of thier body products I could stand, really. Who are all these people who want to smell like chocolate, lollipops, cupcakes and margaritas?
I’ve heard nice things about that scent.
“Who are all these people who want to smell like chocolate, lollipops, cupcakes and margaritas?”- lol. Don’t count me as one, lol..though, I don’t mind chocolate(sometimes), depending on what kind of choco scent it is. I got this chocolate body wash from a grocery store and I just threw it out after a couple of times as it just grossed me out. I don’t think I like choco in the shower, not a very clean scent. I don’t mind a lotion here and there. Ok, lol..confession time and this may be good for a laugh. So, I thought I’d make my own choco lotion. I bought unscented lotion and mixed it with, you guessed it, Hershey’s cocoa. So, ya…it smelled good but the lotion was brown and stained the skin. What a mess that was! lol!
What about lemon?!
Sorry, no lemon so far.
Yes, in the original Tea Party set by Philosophy the lemon scent was the best out of the three which included Tea and Sweet Sugar imo. Very simple but nice. Bring back the Lemon!!!!
Cream does not belong in tea. On scones with jam, yes…
With this name, sorry, no way.