You are then transformed into the forest, standing in front of the biggest tree you have ever seen. Rain starts to fall. The water soaks into the soil – if you put your head close to the ground you can see the water getting pulled into the root system. At this stage the droplets have a bluer hue. As they stay in the tree, they redden, taking on the hues of the tree. An interactive scent score by Sensable’s Invisible Media & Entertainment evokes the scent of rain on the forest floor, the upsurge of minerals as nutrients are sucked into the roots, the tree’s bark as it responds to your touch and pulls you into its camphorous interior.
— Fragrance & flavor company Symprise has made a 7 minute scented virtual reality film about a sequoia, TREEHUGGER: Wawona. Read more at Symrise presents the First Scented Virtual Reality Film at the Tribeca Film Festival at BeautyFashionFragrance.