It's Monday (sorry) and International Women’s Day (the 2021 theme: #ChooseToChallenge). What fragrance are you wearing?
Shown above are flowers on a fringe tree. I planted one when we moved into our house, and it is still my single favorite thing on our property: it smells like heaven when it blooms. I wish I'd planted several of them. There is no perfume I know of that smells like it, so I'm in L'Artisan La Chasse aux Papillons. I would not mind at all if my yard smelled like La Chasse.
Reminder: on 3/12, for plant a flower day, name a favorite flower that you grow in your garden (or in a pot?) or that grows locally, and wear a fragrance with that floral note.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2021, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Fringe tree [cropped] by Melissa McMasters at flickr; some rights reserved.
-Guerlain Apres l’Ondee EdT- 5ml decant, almost full.
Anyone who got freebies from me recently can claim this also, if interested.
Please, place dibs here and email me at monica67 at aol dot com.
How is your pup doing?
If it’s not already spoken for, may I have the Guerlain Al’ Ondee? Let me know if you’d like anything in exchange. 🙂
It yours! Nothing in exchange. ?
Thanks for asking about Yei. He is doing a bit better. The recovery is going slower than expected, but I hope he overcomes this crisis eventually.
Hooray! I’m glad to hear he is a little better, that makes me SO happy! 🙂
Thank you for the decant, I’ll email you right now! If you’d like anything in return, here’s my perfume profile:
Gotta run! I just got a last-minute appointment for the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine! WOO-HOO!
Getting my first today too! Good luck!!
Thank you! ?.
Yay! For the vaccine!
Good to know Yei is a bit better! Hope he recovers fully from the pancreatitis. ?
Thank you Cicely! ?
So glad he is getting better <3
It’s difficult, caring for a pet with a chronic health situation. Definitely a marathon and not a sprint. Hugs, and good vibes for both you and Yei!
Thank you, Jalapeno! It is very hard, especially because he is also very old. Hoping for the best.
Wishing Yei every happy day with you that he can have.
Thank you, Teebear!
Happy International Women’s Day! ⚘
Wearing Guerlain Apres l’Ondee, one of my favorite spring scents.
Busy day and busy week in front of me. I see myself drinking more coffee than usual! ☕☕☕. I will survive! I am looking forward so eagerly for the temps that will reach the 60’s here this week. Spring is in the air! ????
Having a cup of coffee with a pinch of cardamom and few drops of rose water and a piece of tandoori bread with hot honey. Ready to face the day already!
Happy Monday, everyone!
We will reach 60 here too! Loving these spring temps!???
And there is no rain in the forecast for this week! ?
Lucky you! We have rain in the forecast for Wednesday and Thursday.☹️
Still we will have cloudy days. Let’s take them as long as it is warm! ??
what a delightful breakfast!
Thank you!
Seriously, that sounds amazing. And now I’m hungry…
Your coffee sounds intriguing! I just ate and I want your breakfast. 🙂
Passing you some! ☕?
That breakfast sounds delicious!
Thank you!
That sounds really tasty! And I have all those ingredients lying around the house…tempting!
Once in a while is ok not to resist temptation! ?
Glad I had already eaten my lunch when I read about your breakfast! ???
Scent twins !
Twins! We smell fabulous!
I feel like you are my new food muse, perfumelover67 ?
Every time you mention a meal I’m like “ohhh, oh… I could really go for that.”
I’m wearing Demeter Incense, which is not *particularly* incensey, not like the CdG scents, but is still very nice — fruit up top and then mostly amber and vanilla, as if someone had had Chergui described to them and tried to recreate it without the right materials.
Demeter Incense sounds nice!
I’m in Dune today because I forgot to wear it yesterday.
The sun is out again and the birds are happy.? We are supposed to get to 60 tomorrow!? Hard to believe just a couple of weeks ago we were in the single digits.
We’ve been binge watching Stranger Things. Season 1 last week and now we are half way through season 2. We tried to watch it 3 years ago when it came out but madtownteen bailed after the second episode, lol. Poor kid. It is pretty scary. Now that she’s in high school, she was ready.
You’re in St Paul right? I’m over in Uptown. We should have coffee sometime and actually meet. Of course when we can sit outside and relax, I’m bursting with eagerness for spring!
Dang! I wish I was in St. Paul because I would totally meet you for coffee! I’m in Madison. I spent a fair amount of time in Uptown during college though… I can remember shopping at Calhoun square and seeing bands at the Uptown Bar & Cafe…good times.☺️
? We are opposite girls! I went to undergrad in Madison, have now lived in Uptown for many years.
Ahhh, the Uptown Bar, now there’s a dive venue I miss very much.
I grew up very near Uptown! My parents still live in south Mpls. I love that area. I remember when it was a bit grittier! It was the punk hangout in the early ’80s, when I was little, and I was terrified and fascinated by them. I also went to grad school in Madison–there seems to be lots of people who’ve lived in both places.
Aggghhh! The Uptown Bar! I used to live in Uptown (2006-2012) and still have one of their pint glasses from when they would give them to you if you ordered a bloody mary at brunch.
Yay for sunshine and warm weather!
I know!??
New Jersey is getting your lovely warm weather tomorrow!
That’s awesome!?
I tried to find a spring fragrance, but I just wasn’t feeling it since today is my first day back at work after my first week of vacation for the year. I ended up in my old stand-by, Niki de Saint Phalle, which is one of my favorite green scents.
Not really related, but keep meaning to post this for any NdSP fans:
Woke up in no 22 edt this morning and now in Miss Dior. That Bath and Body Works brawl is trending on my Twitter feed. Not completely sure who is really at fault with that one.
I had to look it up. People are nuts. I always feel a little nervous when somebody cuts in line. You just never know how it will go.
I think people have gotten even crazier since the pandemic.
I looked it up too! Holy cow.
Holy cow, I just watched the video. People are nuts.
What the what???? Not sure I want to know.
You probably don’t. People are crazy.
It’s something that is happening quite a bit recently in retail.
I saw a still of that brawl and decided it was not for me to follow that particular internet rabbit hole. People are short tempered these days, my goodness…
Robin, what a lovely tribute to your fringe tree! I really want to plant one now, I know we are in more or less the same climate you you have really inspired me to look into it.
Wearing Fresh Herperides today, because it is at my office. I am thankful for learning the word hesperidic, since learning about perfume, great word. AND, I got to teach my nice, but know-it-all librarian brother in law a new word.
Yesterday I wore Hermes Iris Ukiyoe, which I have been meaning to wear in the cold and it was very nice. It’s a very innocent perfume to me, reminds me of citrus and LOTV.
That’s a great point – I’ve also enjoyed getting to teach perfume/scent words to some smart people in my life.
And I think you smelled great yesterday and today. I wore Fresh Hesperides for the grapefruit CP at the beginning of February. I may need to wear Iris Ukiyoe this week.
Thank you ?
I have posted about it here before! It really only blooms for a few weeks a year, and is not visually interesting the rest of the time, but I adore it. Many years, people walking by when it is in bloom ask me what it is if I happen to be out on the porch.
Wearing Vetiver Tonka today, because it’s not quite right for spring scents yet, and I could not face the thought of my winter scents…this will have to be a bridge between the two.
Perfect bridge! Maybe I will wear it later in the week.
Hi all!
About to go for my first dose of my vaccination. It’s turning out to be an all day affair but I’m very excited.
Wearing No 18, something light as I’m hoping to get a fragrant package today. Nothing too exciting, just a back-up bottle.
Stay safe everyone!
A back up bottle of what? DO tell
Congrats on your vaccine
MXXX. Truly indispensable in my mind, and openly limited.
Congrats on your first dose!
Thank you!
Where are you going, and which vaccine will you be getting? I hope it goes smoothly and that you don’t have any adverse reactions. I’m getting my second dose on the 17th.
Moderns! I have to drive near to Dallas but that seems a worthy trade-off. I am 1B but was having trouble finding an appointment here.
My mother (65) had her second dose and she just got out bed today! I hope it’s much better for you (and anyone reading!)
I meant to say, she got the second dose on Friday
Oh wow! Did she also get Moderna ?
I think so but now I’m not 100% sure. ?
Hope that your expedition to get your first dose turned out well!
Thank you! I’ll report back
Yay! My husband has his 2nd dose coming up.
Congrats on the vaccine appointment!
I hope your trip went well today, Coumarin!
Today I am going old school-high school and wearing Dream Angels Heavenly. One of the only Angel scents, along with Divine, that I can tolerate and actually enjoy from the VS line. Temps going up later this week as well. So glad I won’t need to be wearing my scarf/gloves/hat combo for my walks.
Happy International Women’s Day! 😀
I loved Heavenly, the reformulation is awful…
That seems to be the consensus on Fragrantica as well. I still have 3 samples left of Heavenly that I bought years ago during a VS clearance sale, one of those sample packages that included a bit of all their latest offerings. I am assuming these were pre-reform because I had used one up and enjoyed it.
Today I am in the mood for anything with Iris.
I find Iris mysterious and alluring..
Today its Prada infusion d’Iris
I don’t have any potted plants with Iris but it may be my theme this week
An excellent theme! I planted 50 irises when I moved into my current house, and the deer ate every single one with the enthusiasm of kids turned loose on bowls of ice cream. Live and learn…
I feel your pain. Planted a bunch of iris bulbs a few yrs ago, and the squirrels dug them all up. If I ever try again, will roll the bulbs in cayenne pepper beforehand.
That is really ambitious of you to plant all of that just for the deer, how nice of you! 😉
I will maybe buy some irises to fit the theme and pretend they are in the pot.
What is your favorite iris perfume?
That’s like asking what my favorite ice cream is! 🙂 I love L’Attesa, ISM, and Infusion d’Iris. L’Attesa is probably the one I reach for most often because it has a warmth to it that I appreciate on an emotional level. Iris and violet are two of my favorite scents, but both can be a bit melancholy for me and I just don’t have ‘room’ for that sensation these days…
Oh no! How frustrating! My mom always had a porch full of bright red geraniums in blue and white Chinese pots. It looked so striking! One summer some squirrels kept eating off all the blossoms and my normally pacifist mother was threatening to get a gun and shoot them all!
I’ve been known to wonder aloud if gopher gumbo would be any good…
Gopher gumbo!
Hands down the best comment of the day!
Now that ought to be a chain!
Last summer one particular chipmunk took a bite out of every single tomato I grew. We have hawks, fox, and snakes in our yard and I was desperate for one of them to eat that little jerk for breakfast, but no luck. I am otherwise very tolerate of all the critters in our yard. 🙂
I sorry to admit that I laughed about your chipmunk story. I had a squirrel do the exact same thing 3 years in a row when we grew tomatoes on our patio. Miserable furry-tailed rat.
Oh my! We have bearded iris in a hard-to-reach spot on the side of our driveway — unfortunately, they are a rust color that I really don’t like. Every year I try to talk my husband into moving them so I can put purple ones there, but every year he is too busy, ha 🙂
(And notice I have no plans to move them myself. I will plant the new ones but don’t want to move these. Yes, I am lazy.)
But was going to add, we also have a bunch of white Japanese irises that I planted, and the deer never go near them, maybe because we have so much else on offer, LOL…
I dug up the purple bearded irises that were growing onto and into our driveway, and moved them a couple of feet back. The critters around here seem to find the crocuses that grow in that area delicious, but they don’t bother the bearded iris rhizomes or the daffodils there.
Last year I made the mistake of planting some iris rhizomes between the sheds that the groundhogs live under, and the rhizomes kept getting dug up. I’ve got to think carefully about anything else I might plant there.
The Iris reticulata bulbs I got earlier than I’d planned to and stuck in random pots are sprouting. In situations where they’re planted in the fall as they’re supposed to be, they bloom in March. I’ll see what happens. I learned that the ‘Cantab’ cultivar that was one of the two I got only gets 3″ tall. E.A. Bowles called it his “turquoise treasure.” 🙂 These “dwarf iris” varieties seem like they’d be a good choice for someone with limited space.
Oh, I should try some I reticulata in pots. Do you leave the pots out all winter or shelter them somewhere?
This is my first try of growing them in pots, and that was accidental. I remember having some very small irises years ago in the front of the “herb garden” that has everything but herbs. (lol!) However, the description of the ones I got this year say that they’re hardy to Zone 3, so I don’t think it would hurt them if you left them outside in pots.
Oh that is sad but made for a glorious mental image ?
Oh, no! One of those little heartbreaks for a gardener.
I adore iris scents, might wear Iris 39 tomorrow…
what is your fav?
Shiseido’s Murasaki (burgundy bottle) is my all-time favorite, then Chanel No. 19 extrait, and LL Iris 39.
I will wear No 19 this week. The others you mentioned I have’t smelled
The Vintage Perfume Vault has a marvelous review of Murasaki, it does the perfume justice for sure.
I’m doing an iris week too, join me! Maybe Infusion D’Iris tomorrow.
I’m in Papillon Angelique for a third sample of this thunked. I really should decide to buy a bottle one of these days.
Not feeling great after a sleepless night, but all the news of sunny days this week is keeping me going!
Sleepless nights are the worst. I am no stranger to those.
Hope you sleep better today!
Angelique is great, it’s my favourite from Papillon and the only one I own. Also the most wearable. But many nice perfumes in that brand..
I’ve liked all I’ve sampled, but Angelique is the only one on my buy list. One of these days!
Crappy sleep twins, alas. Here’s hoping we both do better in the sleep department tonight. ?
Yes—best of luck to you for better sleep tonight!
That’s a beautiful perfume! I don’t actually particularly like iris and still found it quite enchanting when I sampled that line.
Happy International Women’s Day! I hope all women hear a lot of good wishes and many positive comments today. Plus flowers, chocolates, whatever they like ??⚘
I’m wearing Atelier Cologne Tobacco Nuit.
You’re a good man Lucasai! I guarantee your good wishes and acknowledgement will be the only one’s I hear today. Thanks ❤??
Such sweet sentiments, Lucasai. But I agree with Lillyjo; I betcha anything I will walk into work today, say “Happy International Women’s Day, everyone!”, and get blank stares in return. Sigh…
Thank you! ?
Thank you for your sweet sentiments! 🙂
Thank you for your heartfelt words, much appreciated. I think eastern europe and Russia make much more of International Women’s Day especially with flowers.
*Eastern Europe
Thank you lucasai! Very much appreciated.
Hi all, my SOTD is Gardenia perfume oil by Terra Nova. My allergies are acting up, I need something light and green. I have a brown thumb, no plants in my house. I do have several gardenia bushes at my FL house, I’m hoping this counts. 🙂
And I have to – at all costs – avoid white florals when my allergies play up!
And great news! I just got a last-minute appointment for the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for 12:45 today! !
WOO-HOO ! **happy dance**
Wow, great!
Super! ?
Good for you, I have to wait 6 months after having the infection to be eligible.
I hope your turn comes up soon! Fingers crossed!
w00t w00t w00t w00t!
Oh yay!
Wahoo! May your side effects be puny and insignificant, and your immunity level sky high!
I’ve discovered that most of the jasmine hedges around here are dead from our freeze, alas, but the gardenias seem to have survived! Can’t wait for them to blossom!
Aw, that’s a shame about the jasmine. Here’s hoping that what survived bounces back quickly.
Oh what a bummer! I hope the surviving vine bounces back quickly!
Trying to beat the Monday blues with MMM’s delicious Coffee Break. If only this scent is stronger and longer lasting, it would be perfect. Having a mug of strong black coffee to match.
To my mind, nobody has yet made a really perfect coffee perfume.
I agree, Robin!
And somehow when I inevitably spill coffee on my clothes, the effect is much less enjoyable than the thought of that perfect coffee perfume.
No scent yet, but I’m thinking of a lily-of-the-valley fragrance when I get the chance. 🙂 CdG Lily or Diorissimo, perhaps. They’re both lovely in their own ways. 🙂
Yes they are, but Diorissimo wins, ha!
I went with the fabulous Diorissimo, from my sample of the vintage EdT. 😀 Wow!
Twins with Robin in La Chasse Aux Papillons. A very cold and unfortunately minimally wet rainstorm is brewing and, alas, it’s Monday, so feels like a good day for lots of tea and uplifting fragrance and slowly easing back into the whole “work” thing. The daphne is blooming all over the neighborhood, so I might wind up in Demeter Daphne for Friday in its honour.
Hey twin! Sorry it is a rainy Monday.
Hiram Green Voyage. To me, this has a cola note, so 0 points!
Robin, that tree/bush sounds intriguing! I’m no longer allowed to plant things, given that the yard is pretty full. 🙂
I give you permission to plant something at my house.
Ha, I reached that point in our last garden, but not likely to ever pull it off again! But I am in line right behind lillyjo — do drop by 😉
Under The Lemon Tree from a travel spray which was part of a set I redeemed my crappy Sephora points on. 😉
So far lots of lemon/citrus, some spice and musk.
Have a 9 am – 3 pm audit zoom today which I am hoping will wrap up by lunch time…??
Lol! I redeemed my crappy Sephora points on a Nest travel set.
Added some Vanilla Silk to the mix…when in doubt…we much vanillify! 🙂
SOTD is Lys 41, which smells like tuberose, not lily. And I don’t have either in my garden, but I still smell good.
you do!
Living in NYC, I have no garden other than my indoor plants
I have space for planting things, but the yard is a mess. The previous owners were hoarders, and it’s going to take years to make the beds really wonderful. Lots of compost (and digging out garbage).
When I was an apartment dweller, I had fun trying to figure out what I could grow on my little balcony. Lots of trailing things that didn’t bake in the afternoon sun!
I do have a balcony. let me know if you have any trailing plants you recommend.
Tell me more about it. How much sun do you get? Do you have room for some deeper pots, or mostly just smaller/shallower ones?
I grew mini pumpkins and squashes, which need deeper root structures, and pole beans to twine through the railings (although those could get baked in the direct sun). I also experimented with trailing succulents. I don’t recall the exact types, but there were some with pink flowers and some with yellow. Nasturtiums were happy with afternoon sun, if they got enough water. My most beautiful display was the year I bought about 100 tulip bulbs and put them in perhaps a dozen planters grouped together. It was an amazing 3 weeks or so and then they were done and not pretty anymore.
We just moved into this place in sept. The balcony is west facing so it gets sunset. Also can be a bit windy, we are 34 stories up..
Sounds like you’d be ok with sun or part sun plants. I’d want to make sure they don’t have big water needs, too, since the wind and sun could dry them out. Nasturtiums would be pretty. Maybe sweet potato vine? I had success with a couple varieties. Maybe “black eyed susan vine,” Thunbergia Alata. If you can get it started, it can make really lush vines of flowers for the summer.
Good morning all! It’s a gorgeous day here, and I’ll especially grateful for the good weather, because it’s my birthday! It’s a Significant Birthday, and I’m grateful to have gotten here. We’ll be taking a walk around the neighborhood and a leisurely drive afterwards. Dinner is lemon chicken, rice, roasted broccoli with Parmesan plus spiced apple cake for dessert. ?
I’m in a combo of Arielle Saturday + AA Mandarine Basilic. The AA is my birthday perfume. ❤️
Happy birthday!
Happy, happy, happy Birthday, Nancy! Your day sounds wonderful and you smell terrific! Enjoy! ?????
Happy Birthday, nancyleandros!
Happy happy birthday! Your plans sound so nice! And we have gorgeous weather again!
Happy Birthday! I’m glad you got yourself a present ???????????
Happy Significant Birthday! May it be joyful, with many more joyful years to come!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Nancyleandros!? Your day sounds perfect!
Happy Birthday tooooo youuuuuu!
Happy Birthday! Your dinner sounds fantastic!
Many happy returns.
Have a lovely birthday!
Happy birthday! Sounds like a really nice day and birthday meal. Plus, you smell great. ?
Happy Significant Birthday! Your dinner sounds yummy!
You were born on International Women’s Day? I feel like I should send you a $1 Susan B. Anthony coin. I used to give them out at my son’s birthday parties–he shares your birthday 🙂 !
Happy birthday to your son!
That’s such a great idea to give out Susan B. coins! Happy birthday to your son. I hope he had a good day! ?
Happy birthday to your son, too! 🙂
Happy birthday Nancy!
Happy Significant Birthday! ?
The happiest of birthdays to you. Celebrate and be celebrated!
Happy Significant birthday, Nancy!! You smell lovely, I hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Happy Scented Significant Birthday! Will you be getting a bottle to celebrate the occasion, or are you thinning the herd? ????
The AA was an addition to the collection! ??
But yeah, I probably need to see about thinning the herd in time for the swapmeet coming up.
Happy birthday! Enjoy the day, and your supper sounds lovely! AA Mandarine Basilic is a favorite.
It’s been on my buy list for awhile now, so it was time!
Happy birthday !!!
Happy birthday!!
Birthday greetings and enjoy your day!
Birthday greetings and enjoy your day!
Happy birthday!
Happy Significant Birthday!!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes today, fellow fumies! It was a wonderful day here, and I really appreciate your kindness. ❤️
Happy belated birthday!
Gooood morning. Wild iris grows here, although the ground is still covered in snow, so not quite yet. I’m going to make it an iris week anyway because it’s perfect for this winter to spring transition period. Wearing Luxury by Mizensir, which is a really pretty, soft powder room scent brightened up with some orange blossom.
Bought a new-ish (2017, 20k miles) car this weekend, which is my first that wasn’t a hand-me-down bought cheap from a friend. Pretty exciting!
Congratulations on your new car!
New car! Enjoy!
Congrats on the new car! I’ll be buying a car in a few months and have no clue yet what I’ll end up with.
Yay on the new-to-you car! ?
Thank you everyone! I’m a big time adult now!!
Congrats on the car! 20k mileage is so low it IS practically new!
Robin, to paraphrase the old saying, the best day to plant several more fringe trees was the day you moved in… the second best day is today.
I am wearing APOM.
I love that idea. 😀
You smell wonderful!
No flowers for me today – SOTD is a very generous dose of Tam Dao. I have planted Japanese irises and a couple of quince bushes in the yard, neither of which has done well the past couple of years, and inherited a plentiful crop of daffodils which were just budding as our recent ice storm hit. Looks like some of them may have survived – fingers crossed! And I have a new rose bush in a big pot that has been overwintering in the garage – just moved that out to the deck over the weekend and keeping fingers crossed for that too. The other two roses (also in big pots on the deck) appear to be doing well so far this year.
mmmmm, Tam Dao makes me smile. You smell heavenly. I must find my sample. 😀
Soivohle sniffing notes: Aged Indian Patchouli Embellishing Oil… Whoa Nelly, this one is EARTHY in all caps. And that was just a quick sniff from the vial. I haven’t tried it on skin yet.
I’m dressed like a dork today, and smell worse. I started out in Gucci by Gucci but quickly changed my mind and sprayed Bottega Veneta. Guava, Pear and leather. Not good, lol! I should have changed my pants instead. Happy Monday Friends!??
OMG! You made me laugh out loud! ?. I hope your day improves!
Hope you weren’t drinking coffee!?
can we hang out. I love dorks
Absolutely! But you are the fashionista! Maybe your style would rub off on me!
Like pl67 said, you made me laugh! Hope you are having a good day anyways.
Thanks! It was a pretty good day!
? I’m pretty sure you don’t look dorkish.
See below. It’s a little dorky ?
I want to know what you classify as “dressed like a dork”! (Because I would happily adopt that label for myself.)
My dorkiness mostly falls below my knees. I’m wearing skinny capri style jeans. They look ok when I wear my snow boots to cover the calf. Today was in the fiftys though, and I figured I would wear my tennis shoes. I have huge feet though, and the skinny jeans and large feet combo just makes me feel like a clown!, lol. Also my top has a big floppy bow so… DORK!?
I sometimes (often) don’t plan my outfits out and have occasionally wound up in cropped pants and high top Converse sneakers. This is NOT a beautiful combo with my extravagant height/ foot length and my skinny ankles! I feel you on the wardrobe gaffe ?
Thanks for the smile!
Anytime OF! anytime?
Dorkiness FTW! I have lots of those moments, too. We can totally hang out, no matter what perfume or pants you are wearing.
Aww… Thanks Jalapeno!
LOL! Love your sense of humor. 🙂
Thanks! Sometimes I worry my sense of humor is dorky too… but I can’t help myself, I just have to laugh!
Bois de Violette today.
I don’t have a garden, but my mother was a keen gardner when I was a child (she still loves gardening, but at 90 doesn’t do so much), so I have many flower memories to inspire me. Tnere was always much excitement when she got something she’d wanted, or when something flowered for the first time.
Bois de Violette is so, so beautiful. I though I was done with Serge but when my decant is empty I will need more of this one. (Probably reformulated and disappointing by now?)
I ended up spraying on La Pausa today without knowing the CP. It seems as though many of us are craving iris today.
I have irises in my front garden given to me from a work friend; they bloom at the same time as the tulips and bleeding hearts. When I planted them, I could smell the orris emanating from the tuber and was completely enamored. I also have some deep purple, almost black irises in my little back garden given to me by my father-in-law.
Sigh. Y’all are making want to replace my thunked bottle of La Pausa. I have never gone through a FB so quickly. Yes, that’s partly down to its fleetingness, but gosh I do love it.
I’m continuing my obsession with tuberose in a sample of Amoauge Tuberose. It starts out rather thick, as if the tuberose was laid on with a painter’s knife, and then fades to a strong creamy tuberose. So far, nothing to justify the Amouage price compared to other tuberoses.
The talk here is about the Oprah-Meagan-Harry interview. There is really a culture clash between the Brits and American’s here. Being very American myself, it seems pretty obvious that Harry and Meagan would get fed up with a job in which they would always be subject to a boss (Greatgrandma, Dad, and the Nephew) and which paid extremely well but offered little chance for creativity, and that quitting was a logical choice.
Tuberose is one of my favorite flowers, in perfume and in a bouquet. A grocery store near me sells bunches of tuberose this time of year, I need to go looking. 😀
SotD = La Chasse aux Papillons
Cribbing from Robin again! I was thinking how much I need a dose of spring in a bottle. Almost went with Jour d’Hermes, but then La Chasse feels so much better for this cool, sunny day.
You all smell fantastic. 😀
Won’t be long before we start seeing butterflies in our yards now! ?
I didn’t get very many last year.
I have seen a few caterpillars here, mostly monarchs. 😀
Oh, I’m jealous of your monarchs! They were so common when I was little. One flew through my yard last summer and I realized it was the first one I’d seen in at least 20 years, and I broke down crying.
March 8 is a perennial favorite day for me–because it is International Women’s Day, but even more wonderful it is my older son’s birthday. He’s turning 20! I feel like I’m still in my 20s, so have no idea where the time has gone.
In honor of the day, I’ll share a quote I used in something I’m writing for work. It’s from Marian Wright Edelman’s book, Lanterns:
“In the Odyssey, Homer used the name Mentor for an old and faithful friend of King Odysseus. The goddess Athena impersonates Mentor to inspire and impart wisdom and encouragement to prepare Odysseus’ son Telemachus for his journey in search of his father, saying: ‘You will not lack either courage or sense in the future.’ Neither the king nor his son knew where their quests would lead them or what they would find.”
I’m in Beige parfum–definitely one of my fancier frags to celebrate the day.
I liked that quote?
I’m envious that you get to quote the goddess Athena in the course of your work! I definitely need to step it up, professionally…
Happy birthday to your son! I remember when I turned 21, hearing my mom turn to my dad and mutter, “How is she 21? *We’re* 21!”
And, you smell great! I love Beige, though I loathe the name.
Haha! Was aiming to quote the errrr goddess-like MRE, but you are right . . .
Stay tuned for Hygea’s advice on masking post inoculations, and Hestia’s tips on organizing your closet!
Happy Birthday to your son!
I wish I knew where time the time goes. If I did know, I would move there.
Your post, reminded me of a chapter from my youth.
When I was a high school sophomore, I had an English teacher who literally taught out of Cliff Notes. (Cliff Notes were a pre-internet resource for cheating students; They were a series of pamphlets summarized the plots of classic books and offered superficial analyses which could be easily plagiarized for essay assignments. )
The teacher gave us a weekend assignment to write onthe Topic of Why Athena Went to Meet Telemachas. She clearly wanted us to write a two page plot summary. However, my mother was attending a conference of university women, and brought me along. Well, those feminist intellects were not about to let go an opportunity to raise the standards of even sophomoric ( literally) sophomore) scholarship or the consciousness of the younger generation. They insisted I consider the question of why wisdom was attributed to a Goddess and why even a Goddess had to take the form of a man to counsel Telemachus. My little weekend essay morphed into a substantive evaluation of gender and the concept of heroism.
The teacher was miffed that I had departed from the Cliff Notes understanding of Homer and gave me a low grade.
I am sorry your teacher was so close-minded. I think there is a lot to the question of why Athena disguises herself as Mentor–with reverberations in larger social questions about women’s roles in society. She is Odysseus’ patron, but she also protects Odysseus’ wife by giving Telemachus instructions that shoo away all of the pesky suitors from his mother’s palace. It must have felt good delving deeper into the ancient myth–despite your teacher preferring you stick to Cliff Notes. But the low grade was insult to injury!
Well, a low grade from that teacher was an honor.
Flowers are red, young Dilana,
and green leaves are green,
and there’s no need to paint flowers any other way
than the way they always have been seen. ;^)
Happy Birthday wishes to your older son! ???
Hey, didya see my msg back to you yesterday?
Just read it earlier this afternoon. Will definitely check out the links you posted!
Now I’m really curious about the fringe tree’s scent, Robin.
Unwittingly, I’m wearing a perfect perfume for International Women’s Day. It’s vintage Vent Vert parfum (pretty sure that’s the concentration) by pioneering woman perfumer, Germaine Cellier. I just thunked the mini I got in a swap with Regina a few years ago.
Also, I have much faster internet now! It was a long overdue update to my cable/internet package, and wow I can really tell a difference. I told my coworkers that I was actually excited to start working today so I could experience my better internet, which should mean not having my VPN drop multiple times per Webex meeting. My first video meeting of the day went great! No “low bandwidth” messages or dropped connections.
Yay for more bandwidth. I felt similarly as I finally got a better mouse and keyboard on Friday (my old mouse seemed to work about half the time and the ‘e’ on my old keyboard was stuck down…) Amazing how much the right tools and set up can help a mood. 😉
Nice scent choice, too. I’m about to be in Tea for Two which works for today at least for the female perfumer.
Oh, and let me know if you find a fringe tree here. I’m curious, too!
I will! I’ll have to do a little more research to make sure I can identify it.
I didn’t get back here to reply yesterday, but I’m happy for you to have a better mouse and keyboard in place now. Those things really do make such a difference. You smelled great yesterday too!
Huzzah for faster Internet!
And I got the opposite today. Hopefully it’s an aberration! I may end up switching to cable internet.
Cold sunny spring meant Zagorsk today. No flowers, bit lots of evergreen trees.
I like your choice.
I was in Yardley Iris during the day for mixed clouds and sun ☀ and this evening Laura Mercier Lumière d’Ambre for the coziness.
It’s getting to be the time of year here where wild swings in temperature from week to week are very much a thing. Hurray for transitional season perfume!
Oh yes, that is awkward for clothes for eg, I remember those swings from living in NYC for twelve years, many layers is a good default mode.
SOTD is SL Santal Majuscule, from a decant shared by the generous SarahN. I get sandalwood with just the tiniest hint of rose, none of the cocoa, and it is bone dry. This is my first time trying SL and I want to say that I got a whiff of stewed fruit in the opening, but I think it was just my brain expecting it based on reading about SL here at NST.
Drinking Golden Monkey tea (with milk, I’ll admit it).
You smell wonderful – I recently acquired this and it is a love.
Guerlain Apres l’Ondee is my SOTD.
This past Saturday, my daughter got married. She and her new husband are on their honeymoon, and I am dog sitting her very rambunctious, but adorable doggie.
The wedding was beautiful and went by so fast ! So many great memories 🙂
So great. I’m so glad it went well. I’ve been following your posts about it. We’ll have a wedding in our future (someday) as oldest son has asked his girlfriend to marry him (and she said yes, of course). Good for you for taking the pup while they are gone.
He is being very pampered and spoiled 🙂
Good luck with your son’s wedding plans. Enjoy this time !
Exciting for you, SP! Best wishes for you son and his bride.
Congratulations to your son and his new fiancee!
Congratulations to the newly married couple! I am glad everything was beautiful and unforgettable!
Thank you 🙂
Congratulations to the happy couple! And hugs to you, mom.
Thanks Jalapeno. This Mom is wiped out. Sunday I sat down on sofa for what I thought was going to be a minute, only to wake up two and a half hours later.
Now today, I decided to sit down with a blanket and read a little bit of my book before I got some work done. Big mistake. This time I only took a one hour nap.
Congratulations, Barqs, to your daughter and her husband – yes to cozy naps after such a happy day! I am sure you will have many more wonderful memories! Did she pick a certain fragrance? Did you?
Thanks MossyBerry ! My daughter wore Geir Ness Laila. I wore Chanel No 18.
Congratulations to your family and the newlyweds! I’m so glad to hear the wedding went wonderfully.
It really did! She was so happy and exuberant the whole day !
So glad it went well and you are having fun with the granddog!
We are enjoying him. He is something else lol !
Congrats and Best Wishes to the newly-weds!
Thanks Hajusuuri !
I’m so happy it went well. Congratulations to them!
Thank you Lillyjo ! It was a special night 🙂
La Traversée du Bosphore because I randomly opener the drawer where it lives, and it seemed like a good idea for today. First day of work after a week spent outdoors.
I’ll Just say it was a bit of a struggle and leave it at that. ?
Traversée du Bosphore is always a good idea, in my book! You smell beautiful! Hope the transition back indoors is gentle…
Through sheer coincidence, I had made my annual “Well Woman” appointment (aka gyno appt) for today. No perfume, since I typically go without for medical appointments. I’ll be back to perfumed hijinks tomorrow.
Hope all is “well” after your visit! Looking forward to your hijinks! 🙂
Going back in 3 weeks for a blood test. Nothing serious.
Do you ever wear perfumes at night? I usually don’t but sometimes I use one of my Lush body sprays which lasts just through the night and goes poof.
Usually my SOTD is still hanging around at bedtime. Scent glue skin, for sure.
Lol at hijinks!
Very wise to have this annual check-up. Glad for you that it’s all done though.
Doesn’t make sense to put it off now that there are safeguards in place at all the doctor’s offices and clinics.
Joining many of you in a floral today, Carnal Flower. Just a dab for me, this is a strong one.
The only things I grow which flower are orchids and Christmas cactus. Neither of which have a smell (not that I’ve noticed). I’ll pass on wearing any of my Black Orchid samples, and wear other springy florals this week!
Will you twitch if I wear 8 sprays? ?
8 sprays of Carnal Flower really might do me in!! ? Maybe if I was masked, I would survive.
Jovoy “les jeux sont faites” (or whatever; too many languages today) which is nicer in drydown than at first application. Happy international women’s day you all you international women! Malaga is awash with yellow mimosa (mimosa dealbata I think) at this time of year, very appropriate for the day. Sadly I can’t smell it through my mask, but it looks very pretty growing both wild and in gardens. The Plane trees on the local avenues are pushing out leaves at a rate of knots. Keep well! :^)
I love your description of all the beautiful trees and flowers growing near you.
A lovely breezy, sunny day, went for a long walk in BDK Crème de Cuir.
You smell nice!
I am SO HAPPY this evening: at work we finally got the invitation to sign up for the vaccine, so I now have an appointment for Friday!! I am already feeling relieved. We had no idea when we’d be allowed to sign up, and this was sooner than I was afraid it would be. And, when I got home from work, I had a package waiting for me: the full bottle of Carthusia Mediterraneo I ordered, plus some lovely samples and goodies!
Today I worked on my sample of Costume National Pop, which is a solid “Meh” for me, but now I’ve added some Mediterraneo so all’s better!
I’ll have to think about what I can wear for the CP since I don’t have a yard/garden, and my indoor plants are all scentless (not by design, just how it happened). I could wear something violet, for my African violets (which have no smell but are still called violets).
Off to read the rest of the comments now!
Congrats on being able to sign up AND for your perfumed goodies!
Thank you! It was a double yay.
I grew African violets in college. They loved hanging out under my fluorescent study light on my desk…
Ah yes! I had some at an old job where I had a fluorescent light above my desk, and they did great. My current plant is looking a little sad right now; I think I should re-pot it.
Yay for vaccine AND Mediterraneo–that’s a favorite of mine.
Late to the party ?
SOTD = Van Cleef & Arpels Rose Rouge
You can guess the flower ?. Sweet fruity lightly spicy gourmand rose patchouli. It is very well done just like most of the Collection Extraordinaire perfumes.
I bumped into a friend and her hubby at a grocery store (I always seem to bump into them while shopping!). The first thing after Hi from her was “Your hair is so long!” Thank God I cut my bangs on Friday or I would have looked like a shaggy dog! She said she cuts her hair herself (and it looks it – I know this is mean but I am being honest here) and just joked that her husband can’t be trusted around tonsorial activities.
I kinda like seeing people’s hair get shaggier and shaggier, like mine, until I finally got mine cut last week! I’d also been trimming my bangs and leaving the rest. My hairdresser started back up again cutting hair on her back porch, and I was THERE. First time since last June.
I love your owls! Have you been collecting them for long?
I would say a good 10 years for the 3-D ones. I also got into collecting ACEOs (Art Card Editions Original) which are baseball card-sized original artwork and I went obsessive with those for about 18 months and about 1/3 of them are owls.
“and it looks it” ?I’m dying!
I hope she did not see my eyebrows ?
I was at Wegman’s this afternoon after my gyno appt., and had to get a Poke Bowl in addition to the handful of other things I grabbed while there.
I’m surprised the tuna poke bowl is still $10 – I had it on Saturday ?