Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday so far. What's your fragrance today?
I'm wearing my old favorite, Prada Man or Prada Amber Pour Homme. Deluxe barbershop.
Reminder: this Friday, 1/16, wear a fragrance from Prada or perfumer Daniela Andrier.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2015, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
I’m wearing Tom Ford Shanghai Lily — deluxe treasure chest!
You smell awesome!
Love! You smell amazing.
SOTD is Halston Man Amber.
Nice! I wore the women’s version for years.
SOTD Elixir des Merveilles- A nice warm pick-me-up after a marathon session of watching True Detective till 2AM this morning…*insert yawn here*
I loved True Detective and that Elixir is gorgeous!
What a great show! Watching when it was on tv was so hard because I had to wait a week between episodes. A marathon session sounds like the way to go. Did you get through all the episodes?
Ha! I am now into my second viewing! I actually just heard about the series two weeks ago and watched all 8 episodes over a weekend. Fantastic show and so well done on all levels so now I am going through it another time to pick up on things I missed the first time around 🙂
I get all my TV from the library on DVD. This show has found a lot of love, but I’ve shied away so far. . . There are certain types of depictions of violence that I don’t do well with. Wanna give me a read on the violence-o-meter? I don’t need Disney, but if I have to look away more than once every few episodes to avoid the most gruesome stuff, it’s usually not enjoyable for me to watch.
MR, this is a tough one. I’m not sure what level you would find too much. This is definitely not a Disney show but I don’t think the violence is gratuitous either.
I think it is a realistic portrait of human violence, which has existed since we stood upright. It’s a dark noir-ish series and reminds me of a Flannery O’Connor story brought to life. I find it refreshingly realistic in a world that insists all we have to do is put a “positive spin” on things to improve them.
There is quite a bit of “implied violence” and the series is very tension filled even in “calm” moments. I would say try the first episode and if it’s not for you, you will know right away. I was immedialy hooked due to the plot, dialogue, cinematography, and music. It’s a series that asked questions about the human condition and does not offer any answers.
Hope that helps 🙂
Thank you for your thoughtful reply! I’m usually ok with realistic as long as it isn’t seemingly gratuitous. Implied violence doesn’t bother me. Sorry to be so vague, but I have some distressing history, and even writing about it causes some anxiety. . .
I will give it a try, as it does sound very good!
That’s awesome you use your library!
Yeah, I’m over there at least once a week. I get TV shows and audiobooks, mostly. Although the TV shows can take weeks and weeks for me to finally sit down and watch! I don’t sit still very well. 🙂 I love my audiobooks. I get a lot of “reading” done while I cook and do other work around the house.
I have a very low tolerance for violence particularly directed towards woman, however this show did not disturb me in the least. Matthew McConaughey’s character was utterly fascinating to me. He had some interesting theories about the nature of existence. Do give it a try.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It definitely sounds worth a try.
Wow, not only is this blog enable perfume purchases, it also encourages marathon tv series watching!
I am wearing Caron Pour Un Homme. I wanted something comforting and reassuring today.
I like that one. It qualifies as deluxe barbershop too.
The lavender in Pour un Homme is perfect to me. The vanilla and musk go too, too sweet on me, so I spritz again to get more lavender, and then again, and again . . . it’s a problem. 🙂
Hedonist — when I first smelled it, I thought I wasn’t going to like it, but I do.
Finally tried that one — did not work for me, but nicely done.
I don’t need a bottle or even a decant, but I’d recommend it if I knew of someone looking for a peach scent.
I sniffed it once and liked it – will have to get a sample. Have you tried her other new ones? I need to go to Twisted Lily and check them out.
I prefer the Rose flanker and Eau de Hongrie, the regular Hedonist was a bit much for me.
Mmm, I love Hedonist! My FB just arrived from VM last week. With samples of her other perfumes — haven’t tried those yet.
I really enjoy it when I think I won’t like a perfume (peach? not really my thing), then I try it and — oh! wonderful! This scent just makes me feel languid. Certainly hedonistic 🙂
Wearing CdG Daphne. I adore it. We’ll see, if I use up my sample, I might even get a bottle of this weirdo.
That one is a weirdo! Worked for Angie better than for me.
Reading her review actually made me feel better – I thought I was insane, everyone seems to hate it!
I bought a bottle a couple of months ago. I love it and wear it a lot.
Santal Carmin today. It doesn’t smell all that sandalwood-y in the container, but after a short while on skin, it is really strong. All sandalwoods seem excessively strong to me–is it possible to have sandalwood amplifying skin? Do other people find this an almost unpleasantly strong note that must be applied with care?
I end up dousing myself with that and other sandalwood scents, happily, but I think my nose is more of a blunt instrument than yours.
I really like Santal Carmin, and grateful to Ms. Hajusuuri for introducing me to it with a generous sample!
Sandalwood is strong to my nose so I I’ve never sprayed this one, only dab.
But I do enjoy and appreciate the scent.
That’s where I got mine too. Love it sprayed, but as I said, my nose appears to be more blunt than others 🙂
I have my decanting supply ready 😉
I’m trying another Possets perfume oil. This one is called Arizona Sage & Honeycomb. This is a good winter scent, almost smoky and slightly sweet.
That sounds really nice!
Wearing Rose for Beacon Free from Soivohle. Looking ahead, I am surprised that we don’t have a rose community project for the day before Valentine’s day
I am in such a rose phase right now – I would be totally into that. I even bought this (fantastic AND affordable) Rosewater toner by Reviva Labs that has been lovely for my skin, and the scent is so refreshing.
That would be fun!
OOH YES roses for the Friday project before Valentine’s Day.
Rose is on my list, but hate to change the dates now that I’ve already published. Was a good idea though!
Yeah, i was thinking a
‘Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, It’s Valentine’s Day, Wear one of these two’ Valentines theme… Maybe next year… 🙂
I have that one but haven’t actually tried it yet. Will line it up when I get home.
CK’s Obsession 🙂
When I was in high school, this store in my hometown called Fashion Bug sold a knock off of Obsession (I can’t remember the knock off’s name) and I wore it all the time – loved it.
Then when I was in a car with a boy I had a crush on, he said “There’s that Mary smell – just like my grandmother.”
Never wore it again.
Now I wouldn’t care, but at 16, I was NOT having it.
Wonder if that bottle is still somewhere at my parents’ house..
What a thing to say! I do wonder however how many people secretly say that about me with some of the scents I wear.
Oh well. Too bad.
I am one to wear some of those scents too. (Knowing, Youth Dew, Opium, Samsara.. you name them, I probably got them 😉 ) If they can’t appreciate these classics, too bad indeed! 😀
He was an 18 year old boy (15 years ago), and that age group is hardly known for its taste.
The actual, reformulated Obsession comes across as a cheap knock-off of itself I am sorry to say. I remember it much more skanky and interesting. Won’t purchase another flacon.
One day at the office I was wearing Eau des Merveilles and a new employee – fresh graduate – asked me? What is this wonderful smell? I’ll buy this for my mother. I was not twice pleased especially as I certainly am younger than his mother.
However a week later his fiancee asked me about Eau des Merveilles too – and promptly bought it for herself 😀
In anticipation of my bottle being delivered today, I’m gleefully wearing my sample of PHI – une Rose de Kandahar without any concerns about it running out.
I have a sample in the mail, can’t wait to try it! Enjoy.
I can’t take this temptation anymore…I’ve got to get a sample of this. Too many people adore this!
I’ll admit that I got a sample mostly because so many people loved it and it just seemed like something I should experience for the sake of reference (especially since I’ve been trying lots of rose recently). But wow, the moment I put it on, I was bowled over. …Not to enable, or anything. 🙂
Haha….oooh dear. There is probably no hope for me now.
I’ll bring some Friday for you to try 😉 along with the Bottega Veneta, or have you sampled this yet? I recall you not having done so last we met.
Ooooh dear…I am so spoiled. I haven’t sampled it yet, and you are wonderful!!
I’m bringing whatever I have on hand and have room to carry so that you can try whatever you like :). I don’t have the biggest collection yet, but I’m expanding.
Perfume people are so lovely and generous.
YAY! on your soon to be delivered bottle! It’s a real treasure and I am so happy I have a bottle- Hope you enjoy yours as much as I have loved mine.
Every time I see Phi mentioned I wonder if I should cave and by a sample. @_@ Everything about it seems perfect for me, save for the tobacco… I don’t usually appreciate that note.
Tom Ford Santal Blush, and regretting it. Not sweet enough for me.
I felt the same way about this one. It’s too dry and almost has a sort of house cleaning product like stringent note to it – like pine sol.
Thierry Mugler Angel. I woke up this morning craving this scent. Perfect for today’s cold weather.
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
Mugler Pure Coffee, pretty much my don’t-know-what-to-wear-to-work scent. It’s always perfect.
Jealous you have a bottle! 🙂 I missed out and then heard about all the raves. TM really needs to stop repeating their Pure Malt/Havane and bring this back!
They sell it online only! $90 and TOTALLY worth it!
Thanks! Excited!!!
My SOTD is Salvador Dali Pour Homme.
Amber Musk by Aerin. Not as warm and plush as I imagined it to be. Claimed to be like a “soft, cozy blanket” but wears more as a “cardigan” on me. 😉
The SL test spree continues with Daim Blond today. Yummy apricot, but the first half hour was too high pitched and piercing for me through the first half hour. Quite realistic leather, but very polite and polished. This was fun to try, but I don’t think I’ll be revisiting it.
DSH Mata Hari is a softer, deeper take on the apricot-leather theme. It was originally created as a limited edition for the Outlaw Perfume Project, which highlighted natural perfume ingredients deemed unsuitable by IFRA. Consequently, it’s a bit expensive – samples are $23 – but beautiful.
“Outlaw Perfume”… hehe… great concept. Mata Hari sounds beautiful but $23 is past my personal limit for a perfume sample, no matter how lovely. 🙁
DSH Coeur de Vanille – perfectly, scrumptuous and warm for the cold day. Sad to say, I often forget I have this b/c I only wear it in the winter b/c it’s a little sweet. This one has the most dreamy drydown of any vanilla fragrance I’ve ever smelled. It just gets warmer and warmer. There is definitely a lot of cinnamon in it.
Robin – we are twins! (almost) – today I’m wearing a lot of Ambre pour Homme Intense. And yes, I smelled like fancy shaving cream for a good hour. Now I smell warm, spicy, and cozy 😀
I am going to visit my sister on Friday, and my Mom will be there as well. They don’t like perfume; or at least they SAY they don’t! I think they don’t like the sharpness and heavy florals. I mean, my mom likes lotion from bath and body works and my sister likes patchouli – the straight up hippie patchouli!! Any suggestions for perfumes that aren’t sharp or sterotypically “perfumey” that I can bring with me? I plan on bringing Ambre de Marveilles and TF Tobacco Vanille, but would like other suggestions. Its hard for me to judge at this point, but what do perfume phobic people like??
Maybe Timbuktu or Chergui applied with a light touch?
Chergui sounds right up my ally, I don’t know why I haven’t tried it yet! Timbuktu applied with a light touch is a good suggestion. I generally don’t apply anything with a light touch 😉
I have done well with soft leathers in such situations–Cuir de Lancome or Traversee du Bosphore. I’ve also used soft spicy scents like Bulgari Omnia or Jacomo #8, which I don’t think trigger the same reactions as BWFs.
Oh, nice ideas! I’ll definitely have to try Cuir de Lancome or Traversee du Bosphore – I love both.
Hey twin!
I think a lot of people who don’t like perfume like the Donna Karan Cashmere Mist. Unless they don’t like musk either… My older sister is slipping away from liking perfume, and she really loves Light Blue. And my Mom, who would take 5 years to use up a 1 ml sample, really likes Tommy Girl, and also La Panthere, but only a little bit.
I think the other thing to do with people who don’t like fragrance is to review how they actually put it on. I don’t even like full on sprays of many of the fragrances I enjoy! Keeping it only to the wrists, or showing them how to make a very small spray, or even spraying on a china saucer, etc, and then gently dabbing from that puddle may help. The other thing I do for some – even light florals and “eau” – is spray and walk away. I need at least ten feet in front of me. I spray on, and then make sure I have enough room to walk forward away from any of the mist that I might inhale or get around my face. This is especially true during allergy season.
Cashmere Mist is one of the few perfumes that I can’t stand! It was an immediate scrubber for me. I know that it has many fans though. Light Blue sounds promising, and I am sure that I have a sample somewhere! It is definitely good to have fragrances that don’t overwhelm those that don’t like perfume. I hate going without a scent!
Me too – Cashmere Mist smells so harsh and artificial to my nose. Not sure what it is, but I Do Not Like.
Me three! I find it suffocating.
A lot of musk heavy fragrances have a suffocating effect on me too, even though they are “neutral”. I was just testing some D & G “The One” the other day, and I was Ok with the opening, but once we got to the musky drydown part, I couldn’t deal anymore.
My “safe” perfumes are:
Bvlgari Black
Guerlain Cuir Beluga
Guerlain SDV
SL Chergui
None of these are flowery nor woodsy. I am constantly looking for other safe perfumes as I have a scent-phobe mom who thinks I am trying to kill her whenever I wear perfume. She had not said one peep about the four I listed above.
Christian Dior Dune for me – I wanted something that didn’t scream of a specifi gender. Loving the sensual, woody incense-like scent.
I do need more of this one. Secretly wishing it would show up in my local TJMaxx or Target.
It sometimes shows up at fragrencenet.
Dune is sometimes found at Meijers, a grocery store chain in the upper Midwest, if you are in this area. I bought my current bottle of Dune at Meijers, for a very good price, too!
I got mine really cheap on Amazon. I’ve seen it in Walgreen’s too, but I think it was quite a bit more expensive there than the bottle I got.
Wow. I always feel super-femmey in that one!
I’ve never worn it myself – my younger sister discovered it first and insisted that I never ever ever go near it, it was HERS. So I kept my paws off.
She hasn’t worn it for, oh, twenty years, but to my mind it’s *still* hers, so I only enjoy it on others. Such a nice fragrance.
Love Dune, I also find it sensual and woody and non-gender specific. When Walgreens has it on sale and I can use my Balance Rewards points, I get it for cheap!
I started the day with Jour de Fête, which is lovely, albeit too weak for me. Then I went to the mall for a temaki, and sprayed me some Infusion d’Iris. I really like it, should get at least a decant.
Infusion d’Iris is a wonderful versatile scent. I’m sure it works well in the heat as well.
Yes, it worked very well in the hellish weather we are having today, which is another reason I want it!
Malle’s lovely Noir Epices for me today. Cold and winter storm warning for the next few days and this one is perfection for it.
You smell wonderful! Goes perfectly with a winter storm.
It’s been on my wish list for a while, it’s wonderful scent.
Noir Epices is wonderful! I’m waiting for the next super cold day to wear that one.
I was chosen to sit in a civil trial so I’m currently in the jury holding room taking big sniffs of the halo of 31 Rue Cambon I spritzed this morning and quite content.
Smart move! A book may be like a frigate (thanks E.D.), but so is the right perfume… to take you lands away!
Oh, I hope it’s an interesting case! I actually quite enjoyed my first jury duty, served a few years ago. I wouldn’t mind doing it again, if time allows.
So far very interesting. Kinda of a nice way to ease into the New Year exempt for the loads of work piling up at the office – yikes!
I kept on hearing about Adam Levine’s bargain basement edp for women, so I snagged some samples, and that’s what I’m going with today. I think I quite like it at first sniff – likely due to the inclusion of saffron, which is a favorite note of mine.
Its drydown really sold me, as that’s where the drugstore stuff usually cheaps out. Also, perhaps we can start a campaign to call it Lady Levine, a la Lady Stetson, because it amuses me.
Saw one bottle of Adam Levine pop up at Winners (Granville & Robson) earlier this week. Almost blind bought based on your positive comments, but I had already indulged in some FBs this month. So, if you’re looking for a backup bottle….
Thanks for the scoop!
Ha! Lindaloo, I troll that Winner’s too! Wonder if we’ve ever been there at the same time 🙂
I’m pondering that one myself. I think I saw a small bottle somewhere online for about $12…
Crazy morning so far. I am wearing Masque Milano Russian Tea… really smoky and not at all sweet like Tea for Two. Last night I tried a sample of MM’s Tango and I definitely need to try that one again too… it feels like a tropical beachy, rum-doused scent but with a very dark cast to it.
I’ve been thinking that this year is the year I need to start exploring frags with tea accords. It was the release of the Gaga fragrance that kind of tipped me that way. I’ve not smelled it yet, but I was thinking that I’ve not really explored teas yet. It will be my challenge. Thanks for the tips!
I’ve been a perfume lover for a few years now, and only just recently tried Bvlgari Au The Vert for the first time. It’s just the right combo of lime, flowers and spice, with that Bvlgari “special sauce” whatever it is, so light, sparkling and elegant. Love love love that stuff.
I will put this on the list! I am sure I’ve smelled it a long time ago, but very long time ago.
SOTD is Cartier Zeste de Soliel but now I am debating what to layer it with. Yesterday’s Ambre 114 seems the obvious choice. Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille would just overpower it, but that’s a good one, too. I will have to debate some more..
Ooh, interesting! I just recently bought both, so maybe I will give them a spin together too. Zeste de Soleil is so happy, but quite fleeting.
I settled on L’Artisan L’Eau d’Ambre Extreme and the combo was really nice!!
I started the morning (pre-shower) with a test of Apres l’Ondee. It was subtle and nice. Now (post-shower) I’m trying CB I Hate Perfume ‘Do Not Ask Me Why’. I hope I’ll like it!
Let us know what you think! I found Do Not Ask Me Why to be very interesting, but never quite figured out how to describe it.
This one is really interesting! It’s pretty light and subtle – which I think is a good thing. It certainly doesn’t smell bad, though I’m not sure its something I really want to smell like. It reminds me just a tiny bit of Oolang Infini, but really on me, its a mixture of Pond’s cold cream and freshly packed cigarettes and a touch of clean smoke. (or more simply, incense). But the Pond’s cold cream really stands out. I guess it smells kind of clean because of that, despite the smoky incense!
Still into comfort scents, so I’m wearing dabs of vintage No 19 today.
It’s been a roller coaster today! I’ve been on the phone with the detective a lot. There’s a tracker on my iphone and it was located near a cricket store and we got the number for the store and they sent police there. It’s obvious that the guy who got my phone isn’t smart because he’s either trying to erase it or change accounts, but it’s in lock-down from Apple. I was on pins and needles waiting to hear what happened, but apparently they didn’t see anyone trying to use a phone and they went to a few different shops in the area. I kept playing sounds to my phone through icloud for the police to pinpoint it, but they couldn’t hear anything and then it was turned off. AAUUUGHH! I don’t even care about my phone or my stuff – it’s just stuff – but I want that %$(68408*@’s head on a platter!
Coworkers and boss are being really cool about it and teasing me because I go from being all – RAGE!!!! EXPLETIVES! – to answering the work phone like I’m an angel – at the flip of a coin.
Ugh, it’s not even noon yet and I already need a drink….
It must be just a little satisfying that you can harass the thief by controlling YOUR phone over the cloud! He will realize soon that he can’t do squat with it and then likely throw it away. He can’t capitalize on your loss.
I don’t care about the phone – I just want to use it to get HIM. I want that ****** behind bars (or his head in a guillotine, according to my imagination).
He will get what’s coming to him, guaranteed. It’s Karma. Just keep on taking care of yourself. Hugs.
This idiot has it coming. I am sure you’re going to get him!
I haven’t put any on today but think I will join you and wear a little of my almost empty Prada. Not sure if I would ever buy another full size bottle unless at discount.
Knowing parfum. Back in my comfy cool crisp climate and wearing an old friend.
Thumbs up. I can’t wear Knowing myself (I tried, oh, believe me I tried – that Lauder base thing just slew me after two hours) but how I enjoy smelling it on other people. It’s the signature scent of one of my aunts.
The Parfum was the most perfect intoxicating thing. I still have a millilitre or so left in the mini I bought years and years ago: I should wear it tomorrow to make sure it hasn’t gone skunky on me.
Inspired by someone from yesterday I am wearing TF Violet Blonde. It sure has refined manners but seems to happily hang out with me in jeans and hiking boots nevertheless (we had snow and then rain and then it froze so the whole city is like a very wobbly ice skating rink…).
I saw that post yesterday and am also wearing VB today. I find it very versatile, good for casual or dressy occasions and even works in the office if lightly sprayed.
Wearing my job interview fragrance: Infusion d’Iris body lotion!
Hope it goes well.
I thought it went very well, thank you!
Wearing Givenchy Amarige Harvest Mimosa 2009 that I got during the swapmeet (thanks again, Katharine!) I had never sniffed it, nor the original, and I love it.
Bottega Veneta Knot. ‘Knot’ really working for me (sorry) — I’m getting mainly white rose. And laundry clean. Well, it certainly won’t offend anyone here at work, methinks.
I so wanted to like this one, LOVE the bottle, but your mention of laundry clean is what killed it for me when I tried it. That frag family just does not work with my skin. Plus mentally I like dirty, slightly skanky scents, not clean, so it may just be a self-fulfilling perfume death-wish.
Another friend mentioned it was mainly orange blossom (she was wearing the cream though). Interesting.
I didn’t get rose, but it didn’t really work for me either.
I got mainly rose for the first hour, then citrus. With laundry. It’s not bad in any way, just not my thang.
Today is cold but sunny so my SOTD is Frapin 1270. I have the old bottle, not the reissued, the old flat disk one. I love the smell, the cognac scent is comforting and the slight spice works well with my skin. This is one of my rare scents that my husband loves! I think it’s the slight booziness he likes LOL
I’m wearing PdN’s Maharadjah. Lavender on a bed of spices and wood. It’s soothing and bracing at the same time. I’m glad I got a big bottle as I wear it quite a bit.
Fun to read that apparently lavender is good for trust. It’s one of my favourite smells both in “real” life and in perfume.
I need to try this one! Sounds right up my alley. I love her Amber Oud which should have been named lavender vanilla.
I’m afraid it’s no longer in production. It’s a shame as she handels lavender really well. Her Nicolai pour Homme was an exceptional lavender.
Wearing Histoires de Parfums 1725 (Casanova). A lavender/vanilla/anise fougere, it is beautifully made but pulls a little masculine for my taste.
I love that one, I’ve even got a full bottle that I got for a song on ebay a couple of years ago. You’ve reminded me that I need to wear it again.
I’m really enjoying the drydown now, a rich lavender and woods that seems to have come from nowhere.
Am finding the trajectory of this perfume to be quite complex.
Readied myself for the day with ELO Eau de Protection. Let’s see whether it does its job…
I am wearing FM Carnal flower layered with Il Profumum Musc Bleu and I am loving it. I always keep samples at work and i found these, I am in the mood for experimenting.
Guerlain Quand Vient la Pluie. I used the last of my decant (not sure if I have another somewhere). This sure is a gorgeous riff on Après l’Ondée.
Have a great Wednesday, Robin and everyone.
Big wave too! 🙂
Ohhhhh, Quand Vient la Pluie. That name just makes my heart melt. Dans Tes Bras gets me, too.
In honor of the Hello Kitty 40th anniversary exhibit at JANM here in Los Angeles, I’m wearing Demeter’s Hello Kitty scent. It’s just a very simple apple scent, but I like it!
Awww! That’s so cute!
Oh, fun!
SOTD is VC/A Bois d’Iris, almost the end of my sample. I think I like this better than Infusion d’Iris, but I haven’t done the dueling arms thing. Pretty much whichever one I have on at the moment is my favorite. Debating whether to get a FB or another sample… or just spring for Scent of Hope, which trumps them both, I am afraid…
Get Hope!!
..or both. Do it…Do it…
I was apparently overcaffeinated last night when I popped into TJ Maxx after my Target run… or something… bought a 15ml bottle of Gap Dream for $7. I don’t know why. I’d never smelled it. After testing, I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be used as a linen spray since it smells like squeaky-clean florals (freesia and soapy orange blossom) plus laundry musk.
(I don’t regret the giant lime-bergamot hand soap for $5.)
We had icy roads this morning, and school was canceled so the boys are at home. The CEO is doing laundry – he goes back to teaching next Tuesday – and we have a fire in the fireplace, and we’re going to watch Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug together in just a little while. SOTD is my sample of Houbigant Oranger en Fleurs, to continue the big white floral streak. 🙂
PS, Robin: Is that Ethan Hawke in the top photo? looks like him.
wondered the same thing!
Definitely Ethan Hawke–looks the same as he did 20 years ago!
…well, he’s got some brow wrinkles he didn’t used to have…
Otherwise, not a lot of change. Handsome guy.
Yep! From the Prada Spring 2015 ad campaign.
Last night I went to the DC National Cathedral for a drumming circle, part of this week’s “Seeing Deeper” program of special events. I wanted a perfume that evoked both the sacred and hippie aspects of the occasion, and Via del Profumo Sharif was perfect.
For once the upcoming Friday poll has me stumped. The only Audrier or Prada perfume I have is Infusion d’Iris, which I only really enjoy in very hot, humid weather. Perhaps I’ll get a head start on one of the upcoming polls.
TDC Bois d’ Iris.
I’m wearing MH Geranium Bourbon today. The temperatures are a little nicer than they have been, so I went with something not so wintery feeling.
Wearing Black Orchid. I’ve drained my sample of Velvet Orchid, and I like that one better, but BO is the one I have a full bottle of. I’m wearing it to try to decide if having both would be too redundant.
I’m wearing vintage Bal a Versailles EDP. It’s not that skanky on me, just a little touch to dirty it up a bit, but mostly it’s just rich and yummy.
Thinking about Friday, I went by Sephora on my way home from work yesterday. I had smelled Infusion d’Iris before, but it had been a while. I like it more than I remembered, and I can see it being nice in the summer. It’s not bottle-worthy, but I could see getting a mini if they had one. I had never tried the Absolue, and that one I liked more. I like that the iris in the Absolue has some rootiness about it. So I had an SA make me a sample, and I’m all set.
Eau Premiere. Incredibly, it’s my first time out with it. I have a dabber, and it’s nice but that’s as far as I get with it. It feels kinda like foreplay, and I’m wondering if I’m waiting for the big O of Chanel No 5. I dunno. Of course, now I wonder if I’ll have to go and buy a bigger decant so I can saturate myself.
Another very cold and dreary day here, I’m staying on the dark and spicy side again with EL Sensuous Noir.
After clients, I put on L’air du desert marocain (I always feel so silly spelling that one out). It’s so round, warm and lovely. I really can’t get enough of that stuff.
I’m awaiting a full bottle of Imperial Opoponax in the mail from Italy. I think I’ve been calling it Royal OpopoMax or something like that. I blind bought it because I so love my Patchouli Antique and heard many good things about IO. One reviewer said it’s what she imagines Isabella Rosselini’s pillow smells like.
I’ve been reading some really great reviews of Burberry Brit Rhythm and thinking of trying it. Has anyone sampled that one yet?
Oh yes, and I’m super jealous of the ladies who are doing the face to face swapmeet in New York. I’m just a few hours up the road and so tempted…
Come play! Email me– my yahoo address is my screen name if you want to join us Friday. We can still accommodate a couple more folk
I’ve got a cold and couldn’t stomach anything heavy today. SOTD Arquiste Alexandre, one of my regular choices when I’m not feeling well-cooling and calming.
Another random sample grab this morning produced Art by Masaki Matsushima. It’s a soft fruity floral, and while ffs are not really my thing, this one is pleasant.
Dzongkha – a summery incense for another cold winter day. 😉
I am new to the perfume world and feeling small by how much I have been missing out on! Also fascinated by everyones shared passion for scent here and so much info. I am looking for a good quality long lasting perfume. I like a sweet but musty smell. does anyone have any suggestions?
You might do better by doing the Monday Mail so we know what you like and don’t like a little better. Also, welcome!
Egads, I am sick…fever, headache, sniffy but I can still smell! I am bummed that I will miss the local swap meet as I don’t want to infect others.
SOTD = Prada No. 8 Oeillet
Today, I got more than Carnation! I got some rose, iris and patchouli. I should do a smackdown with Ann Gerard Rose Cut which is more effervescent and sharper (and no carnation according to fragrantica) whereas No. 8 is deeper and more plush.
Yesterday, I stopped by a Sephora inside a JCPenney to obtain a sample of Burberry Brit Rhythm for Women. Farouche loves it and I see that Bois de Jasmine had a recent extremely positive write-up:
Early assessment on paper is I will probably succumb to a FB at some point. I do need to test it on skin. I bring this up because I must have the most bored and lazy SA in the entire history of Sephora. She was nice enough in preparing the sample for me and even filled the atomizer to the top; HOWEVER, she could not be bothered to push down the top of the atomizer to seal it! Thank goodness I was hyper-aware and sealed it myself. It would not have been a pretty sight if it were to leak all over the contents of my shopping bag!
SotD was Cedrat Enivrant. I was feeling the SAD and anxious that comes with January, so it was nice to get a bit overwhelmed by something intoxicating and bright.
SotE is Vanille Insensee which is so odd and delicious. The vanilla is very present and up front, but it becomes so airy and unusual. It is quite a trick. The only thing I can think to compare it to is that fresh vanilla smell some pine forests have when the wind blows.
Bamboo harmony, it never seemed to get good reviews anywhere but I like it and it’s great for days when I don’t want to freak non perfume lovers out with my scent for the day.